December 17, 2020

Start Where You Are 

You have probably read/heard the quote:

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can

It sounds cheesy but it’s not. No one starts off being perfect at anything. Everyone who is great at something started of new and unknowledgeable about their field. Sometimes even with less resources than you and I have.

We all learn and grow in whatever we decide to get into. Starting my blog for instance, was a major non-work related commitment that I picked up this year and I have certainly grown over the last four months. I have equally witnessed some of my friends starting different ventures. It is such a beautiful process to watch and be part of their growth. As I mentioned in this reflection about my work and how it affects me, life is about iterations and incremental building. So go ahead and start that podcast, that business, that online class, that hobby.

The sooner you start the faster you make mistakes and learn from them.

Running Is Very Important To Me

If there’s one thing I have certainly achieved this year is a runner’s high. This is a feeling of psychological well-being that is often associated with long-duration, rhythmic-type exercise. Running not only boosts my endorphins regularly but also improves my general psychological outlook in life. I can write about this bit all day, but I’ll save that for another blog post for other running enthusiasts. 

I would highly recommend getting into something that gets you active. It doesn’t have to be running or any tough exercise, but anything outside of your regular activities can be great for your mood.

Boundaries are a Form of Protection

It is one thing to say that I am “protecting my energy” and another to entertain things/people/self-induced actions that do the opposite. It is a painful betrayal of self. This year I strived to reinforce my boundaries by enforcing them with family, friends and myself. From conversations I did not want to be part of, to activities I did not want to  do. It can even be financial obligations you did not wish to commit to. Boundaries serve to protect you. Although I am not where I want to be in terms of communicating my boundaries better, I am taking this aspect of my life with me into the future.

Support is a Two-Way Traffic

“Surround yourself with people who would mention your name in a  room full of opportunities”

Sounds cheesy, I know. But the essence of it is very important. You need people who will cheer you on as much as you cheer them on. Someone bringing your name up for something means that they believe in you enough to do so. They believe that you are worthy of those opportunities. Sure, there are going to be times when one person needs more support than the other, that is very natural. However, there should be a mutual sense of support from each party in whichever way each person can show up(moral support, emotional support, financial support, professional support etc).

Is there something positive that came up for you this year? Please share in the comment section below.
