December 17, 2020


I Have Learnt To Be Resilient

Any good software engineer will tell you that the first solution can always be bettered. It’s the law of iterative and incremental development. You make a brute force attempt to try solve a problem but overtime, due to need for optimization, you slowly and incrementally improve your design to meet required standards. Similarly, life is about iterations. You will never be good at everything you attempt and even when you think you are well-prepared, mistakes happen all the time. “The goal is progress not perfection.” Being a Software Engineer has taught me to approach my problems in this way such that I break them down into manageable issues and go over each one several times to try and find a solution to the whole. As someone who can get restless, this has been tremendous help!

Mistakes ALWAYS Happen

Bugs bugs bugs. They sound so complex when really it could range from a comma(I kid you not), to a design or implementation error. A bug is an error in a computer program that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways. The point is, mistakes always happen. No one wishes to make mistakes, but they come anyway. As a software engineer, this has taught me to be kinder to myself when I err. If I can get over a bug in a computer program, I can certainly forgive my human mishaps and so can you. Learn from them and move on.

Take Time With Everything

Code is a very intricate form of art. It is after all made up of millions of small bits (pun intended). You can not build amazing software or develop great programming skills without attention to details. 9 out of 10 times that I have encountered a bug is because I rushed through the code implementation of instructions and missed something. It is pertinent that you take your time in real life too. Decisions, celebrations. There is a lot to cherish about life so be sure to take your time and make the most out of everything. Pay attention to details and commit to what and who you love. If you have to do it once, do it well!

You Can Learn Anything If You Put Your Mind & Time Into It

Software Engineering might seem intimidating when you supposed to learned different languages but really if anyone of them gets thrown into a new team that uses a language you are not familiar with, you learn it. Simple. In the end the works always get done, the engineer grows as they adopt a new skill, and curiosity is developed for something new. I apply the same mind in real life. Whenever I have a new task at hand like designing a website or trying a new workout or building side-projects in a new language, I am always certain I can learn. The goal is take my time with it and allow mistake to happen as they naturally do. But with time, effort, consistency and seeking the right resources, I can always learn and so can you!

You Need Sleep

There is a short list of things destined to fail that you can attempt as a Computer Science student. Working on a few hours of sleep is definitely on there. I remember being in college working late at night trying to get problem sets done with about 4/5 hours of sleep in me. I was cranky, barely productive and made more errors than I would have if I decided to get more hours of sleep. At the moment it seemed like a counterproductive thing to do but getting more hours of sleep would probably have been helpful to me. I apply the same mantra in my personal life. I tend to be an early riser because I run but I always try to go to bed early enough. It affects my efficiency and productivity, my mood and my health as well.
