Being a young person or a new graduate in a large or small corporate space can be daunting. Professional settings bring a change of pace from what most of us are used to having in college. I worked multiple jobs on campus and although only one or two of them were related to my major, I still took all of them seriously. I’d say I had a good relationship with my bosses and other students who did similar jobs. These experiences have been foundational to my current professional attitude. Here are some of the ways that you can adopt the same:
Fortunately or unfortunately in the professional world, first impressions DO matter. YES, even if it is on zoom or any other virtual platform. Dressing obviously varies from profession to profession. I would recommend having a standard professional attire in your wardrobe- a nice jacket, pants/skirts and a decent blouse. You can use it as a base depending on what each job requires.
It doesn’t matter what your role is. You are getting paid to do the job so make sure you are doing your part. I started taking this seriously in college as I previously wrote about here: HOW MY UNDERGRAD EXPRIENCE PREPARED ME FOR PROFESSIONAL LIFE. Step up in whatever role you are in and do a great job. You will definitely get recognition for your efforts.
A lot of people in the workspace will probably have more years of experience and better industry outlook. Seek their guidance, show interest and ask for feedback on work done. You will spend majority of your time in the workplace as an adult. Ensure that you are creating a prime environment for your success. My work has certainly affected me as I shared before: HOW BEING A SOFTWARE ENGINEER HAS AFFECTED MY PSYCHE. When you start on most roles, you won’t instantly know what you need to grow. Asking for feedback after a project is a good way to gauge your progress.