Post graduation life can be daunting and challenging at first. You may or may not end up in a familiar city, you probably need to create a home for yourself, you have bills to pay and the people who were close to you may or may not be there with you as you go through this unfamiliar journey. I had friends who supported me through my college transition and yet it was still challenging. It took me sometime to figure out the ropes but here are some things that I found useful:
Most people are lucky to graduate with a job offer in hand. However, this is not a guarantee for everyone. Some people graduate without a job and others end up in months or even years of unemployment. Fortunately, I had a job offer and started working a couple of months after graduation. For anyone who doesn’t have a job yet, my top recommendation would be to use you network while recruiting and seek for support from your friends and family while going through the interviews. The process can be incredibly frustrating and with the added pressure of seeing everyone else starting their new job, emotionally draining, especially if you are not getting any offers.
Once you start working, here are a few ways you can grow in your role as you start off: How To Earn Respect As A Young Professional.
I also shared how you can apartment hunt successfully here: Beginner’s Guide To Apartment Hunting.
You get to say goodbye to some of your closest friends after you graduate unless you guys are all going to be working in the same city. It is hard but not impossible to move on from past friendships or deal with strains due to geographical separation. If you need help, you can learn How To Deal With The Loss of A Friendship.
Most people tend to take up jobs elsewhere from where they went to college and naturally, the friendship bonds that were kept together by close proximities, start to disintegrate. You can also embrace the new changes and start getting familiar with your new environment by going on Solo Dates and give yourself a chance to meet new people.
Saving money should start way before you graduate. You first year out of college will either involve a lot of money or very little money depending on your employment situation, you financial background and your amount of savings. I would recommend that you maintain a low budget lifestyle and save costs wherever you can. Here are some Easy Ways You Can Save Money .It is crucial that you save some money to help you get set up outside of college, pay bills and have fun. Create a budget for yourself and live below your means.
Dating is a bit harder after graduation. You have more responsibilities and less familiarity with people around you. Unless you are already in a relationship, it’s okay to stay single and experience The Benefits of Being Single At A Young Age. Unlike in college where you dated people from your campus or other familiar colleges, dating after college has a wider pool of unfamiliar people to choose from so take your time.
Free time in college involves finishing an assignment, going to a bar with friends, shopping or sleeping. Free time post-grad looks like going for grocery shopping, binging your favorite shows, going on drives, hiking, cooking and more adult-like activities. It terms of fitness, find a workout routine and stay consistent to it.
Learning does not stop the moment you graduate- not if you want to continuously grow. Read a book from time to time, listen to an exciting podcast and do other things that do no involve mindlessly scrolling through social media.